Fashion editorial: Daria Strokous and Iselin Steiro by Willy Vanderperre for W magazine April 2013

Daria Strokous and Iselin Steiro by Willy Vanderperre for W magazine April 2013

Daria Strokous and Iselin Steiro by Willy Vanderperre for W magazine April 2013…


Daria Strokous and Iselin Steiro by Willy Vanderperre for W magazine April 2013Daria Strokous and Iselin Steiro by Willy Vanderperre for W magazine April 2013Daria Strokous and Iselin Steiro by Willy Vanderperre for W magazine April 2013Daria Strokous and Iselin Steiro by Willy Vanderperre for W magazine April 2013









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Cheers, Natasha




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